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Posts tagged 'Networking Events'

The Power of Sights and Sounds: Creating Memorable Event Experiences

2023-09-11 05:00:00

Sights and sounds can go a long way to enhance the event experience for attendees. Here’s how to craft a memorable experience by engaging the senses. 

Achieving the Perfect Balance of Professionalism and Personalization at Your Next Event

2023-05-23 12:00:00

CORT Events has a curated collection of furniture and decor products that allow you to customize your event space while keeping it stylish and sophisticated. In this article, we’ll explore how to harness these items as well as some high-tech planning tools, to help you make the balance between personalization and professionalism a reality at your next event.

Event Planning for Networkers: Creating Engaging Spaces

2023-05-16 13:00:00

Discover practical tips for creating event spaces that cater to networkers. Learn how to maximize connections, facilitate structured and casual networking, and provide areas for privacy.

The Working Event: Flexible Furniture for Work and Play

2021-12-14 15:00:00

Today’s business events aren’t just about business — there’s almost always an element of socialization that takes place before, after, or even during an event. When you’re planning a networking event, you can harness the camaraderie and excitement that events like these can breed, because teams that can hang out together become stronger units at work.

The Essential Furniture Pieces for Every Event

2021-07-07 00:42:00

Today’s events are unique and creative, unlike the cookie-cutter events of the past. To set your next event apart from the rest, you need a compelling theme and décor that matches your ideas.